Legal Services

Functions of Legal Services

  1. Advisory services: The Directorate gives advice and opinion to the Agency’s Board, Management and staff on all legal matters affecting the Agency
  2. Board Services: The Directorate is responsible for keeping the books and proper record of proceedings and correspondences of the Board
  3. Legal Documentation: This function includes the drafting and perfection of all legal documents, such as contract agreements, registration Deeds of Assignment/land titles, registration of Contractors and compliance with the government Due Process requirement.
  4. Insurance: The Directorate is responsible for the administration and discharge of all insurance requirements of the Agency
  5. Court Attendance: The Directorate engages the services of a Counsel from the parent Ministry in prosecuting/defending matters involving the Agency
  6. Bonds: The Legal Directorate is charged with the duty of preparing and executing bonds between the Agency and the staff proceeding for study leave or in-service training
  7. Record Keeping: The Legal Directorate is the custodian of all MoUs between the Agency and third parties; including Title Deeds, Due Process Certificates, Insurance Policies, and all Contract Agreements and database for all contractors registered with the Agency and all executed Bonds with staff on in-service training.
  8. Investigation and Enforcement: The Directorate is to ensure enforcement and compliance with the provision of NiMet Act and also participate in meteorological inspections and investigation
  9. Third-party Registration: The Directorate is to carry out the registration and licensing of third parties and keep the records of third-party relationships with NiMet.

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